
Dear service design, what are you? | A Festival Story from Michelle Isme

Dear service design, what are you? | A Festival Story from Michelle Isme

Michelle Isme was this year's Social Media Sweetie on the festival team. She attended the Industry Issues event on Day 2 of the festival. Here she shares her reflections and insights as a result of attending the session.

Her perspective is that of a creative person on a journey to find the difference between service design and product management, in order to inform her career direction.

Article reposted with permission. Originally posted on Medium

The future, imagined by service designers - A Festival Story from London College of Communication.

The future, imagined by service designers - A Festival Story from London College of Communication.

Service Design Futures was an evening curated by the Service Design Innovation students at London College of Communication (LCC). The theme of the night called for guests to consider the prospect of future scenarios, speculative design and how service design might address those new concerns, all the while thinking about how service design as a practice might evolve over time.